

“Labor omnia vincit”

About Oklahoma

About Oklahoma

Oklahoma has a Department of Education, a State Board, and a State Superintendent of Public Instruction. The State Board consists of 7 members appointed to 4-year terms.

Education law and structure

Education law and structure

  • State Board Members: 7 Members; Appointed; 4-year term

  • Education Authorities: DoEd; State Board; State Superintendent of Public Instruction

Education Leadership

Education leadership

  • State Governor: Kevin Stitt

  • State Superintendent of Public Instruction: Ryan Walters

  • Local school board members: The easiest way to contact your local school board members is to use an online search tool like XQ or simply look up your school district’s website online. There will almost always be a section of the district website listing the names and contact information of your local school board members. If their contact information is not listed, call your school’s office to request that information.

government building

Education Stats And Facts

  • According to Oklahoma School Report Cards, 693,824 students enrolled in the state’s public school system in 2021. Enrollment went down from the previous year (703,456). The most recent data available in 2019 show that 85.97% of students were considered “in good attendance.”

    Oklahoma has some open enrollment policies between districts, allowing families to apply for a school that’s outside of their assigned district. School districts can set limits on transfers, but families may present their case to the school board if their request is denied. Other public school options include charter and magnet schools. Private schools are another Oklahoma education option. While private schools charge tuition, Oklahoma offers a few state-run scholarships to families who meet certain guidelines, such as those who are low-income or have special education needs. If a child attends a low-performing district school, they may also qualify for a scholarship to attend a private school. Additionally, families may choose to homeschool their kids. In Oklahoma, it is not required to notify the state, but it is recommended so that the child is not considered truant.






Here we’ve collected links to additional resources so you can become better acquainted with your state system.