In 2016, a school district in North Carolina began using a character called the Gender Unicorn to illustrate its LGBTQ+ agenda.
Today, the Gender Unicorn character is used in kindergarten classes throughout America. Discovery Institute describes it well: “The character is designed to look endearing to young children, similar to the popular Barney or Boz. However, this unicorn walks students through self-selecting their gender identity, their gender expression, the gender they’re physically attracted to, and the gender they’re emotionally attracted to. Each option includes not only categories such as women/men and feminine/masculine but also ‘other.’ Even their ‘sex assigned at birth’ is open to interpretation — it includes female and male, but also ‘other/intersex.’”
Some teachers are even encouraging their students to keep their gender identity and sexual orientation a secret from their parents. One such case of pressured secrecy reported this year by ABC News involved a student as young as 11-years-old. Schools intentionally add gender discussions into the curriculum, asking children to “ponder their gender identity,” as in the case of New Jersey schools. Drag queens perform in front of five-year-olds. The line between boys and girls is blurred, so who’s to say which bathroom they should use?
The broader question is: Could schools be providing the space for children’s privacy to be violated?
The Power Behind The Transgender Movement
In the 1960s, during the sexual revolution, a few academics suggested that humans could disassociate from their bodies and that the feelings a person had could define their identity.
Since then, these academic theories have spiraled into reality.
Whether a man can become a woman and vice versa is an argument that has been going on for decades. However, there are some other powers involved in certain aspects of the transgender movement. Journalist Jennifer Bilek says that billionaire Jon Arcus has given $58.4 million “to programs and organizations doing LGBT-related work between 2007 and 2010 alone (it is far more than that now)…”
Arcus is not alone in this effort to influence minds and change laws. Bilek also points out that transgender movements “have not been driven by grassroots enthusiasm. Quite the contrary. They have been driven by the philanthropic funding provided by billionaires who are themselves invested in this radical ideology’s greatest beneficiaries: Big Pharma. Many of the most important philanthropists behind the transgender and gender-identity movements stand to make huge profits from body dissociation and the commoditization of human sex into medical identities.”
CNN says that the Philadelphia Center for Transgender Surgery’s price estimate for sex-reassignment surgery is as high as $140,450.
Money has swayed politicians and medical professionals alike. They, in turn, influence law and medical procedures. In turn, some are forced to live a lie, and in particular cases, lulled into believing that lie. The ideas that have been planted have taken root.
And what is the lie? That being transgender is completely safe and healthy. That the effects of the drugs used to transition children are reversible, when in fact the effect is sterilization — a permanently damaged reproduction system. Untested methods, experimental drugs, high doses of hormones—not to mention the often grueling depression, dysphoria, and anxiety associated with being transgender—many would like us to believe it’s all for the greater good.
Some have paid a high price for believing the lie.
The Damage Is Done
In a hearing for the Save Adolescents from Experimentation (SAFE) Act in Ohio, witnesses were called to testify on behalf of the bill, and Helena Kerschner told her story as a victim of the transgender movement. She testified that she was a teenager, like all teens, who was immature and failed to understand herself “in a more complex way.”
Helena also said that, as a teenager on social media, she “saw messages like ‘if you don’t like your body, that’s a sign that you’re trans. If you don’t fit in with girls, that’s a sign that you’re trans. If you feel bad and you don’t know why, that’s a sign that you could be trans.’”
Another witness was Corina Cohn, who transitioned at 19 years old to become a woman. Cohn called attention to the fact that the transition process is a practice that is unregulated and experimental and that chemically and surgically alters healthy children. Going further, Cohn enumerated by saying that in their organization’s experience, some young people have seen their doctor and been prescribed hormones the same day, without consultation. There is also a worrying trend, she explained, “for affirmation only,” and the lack of training among health care providers when “helping these young people…understand the huge impact transition is going to have.”
Indeed, The Daily Wire says, “45 percent of transgender people who undergo hormone therapy attempt suicide – higher than the general transgender suicide rate,” which indicates that all is not as it seems. Scott Newgent, a transman, is very much against children having transition treatment because of the permanency of it, the lasting health problems, and the brutal transition process. Newgent writes that popular treatment “shortens lives.” The National Library of Medicine published a study on the long-term effects of transgender hormone therapy that supports Newgent’s statement.
The chemicals and surgeries aren’t delivering the freedom and closure that many hope for.
If people aren’t often told all the medical side effects of gender transitioning treatment—let alone that such treatments are highly experimental—is “pride” really the best word to describe the life-altering transgendering of children?
Schools Are Acting As Enablers
It’s easy to influence a child and shape their thoughts.
That’s what educators do every day. And their influence can be positive. But just as easily, their influence can be negative.
The government has a vested interest in the transgender movement because it’s a politically loaded topic that’s also extremely lucrative as evidenced above in the example of how much money research and surgery generate. Why does this affect your children? Because public schools are funded by both the federal and state government. Public school teachers are on the payroll of the government. Since public school is where many children spend most of their time, this can be a big issue.
Teachers’ unions, which are remunerative, influential organizations, have good teachers with their backs to a wall. These teachers disagree with the agenda their unions are pushing, but they feel they cannot dispute it because their livelihood may be jeopardized.
Furthermore, our children have access to books in their school library, and an increasing number of those are books about gender and sexual topics. Many are claimed to be pornographic. It’s passed off as being sensitive and inclusive towards people who are different. But by introducing sex education in school—whether it be through a book, a conversation, or the Gender Unicorn—children are more susceptible to sex trafficking and sexual assault, both of which have skyrocketed in recent years.
As horrible and tragic as it may be, many children are groomed by adults—and it’s even happened in classrooms. When we normalize sexuality and gender topics for kids, wouldn’t it be easy for adults to take it to the next level? That’s what happened with the recent case of Alden Bunag, who was arrested for distributing child porn and having an illicit relationship with one of his 13-year-old students.
Protecting Our Kids
In summary, while this is a heated topic, most readers can probably agree that research, communication, and understanding are key to properly protect children, especially surrounding the delicate subject of gender. Parents, teachers, and administrators can step up to carefully study this subject to best protect our children’s mental and emotional wellbeing. Achieving transparency in the classroom is one step in the right direction. Basic parental rights, such as having a say in whether your child is given hormone prescriptions, need to be established. It’s important that inadequate information in sex education and surrounding LGBTQ health is rectified to protect children from physical fallout.
For some parents, they may find ways to protect their children by taking on a more hands-on approach to sex ed homework, looking up parental rights laws, standing up for teachers who are being bullied by teacher’s unions, or figuring out ways to educate children in what the parents deem safe spaces. For some, it may be as simple as being more involved in homework. For others, it might even mean making a shift to homeschooling or private school.
Ultimately, each teacher and parent must make decisions to nurture the children in their care as best they can. Our kids’ mental and physical well-being is paramount—for them, for our country, and for the future.