National education insights that will inspire you to take action in your community.
Welcome to the Noah Webster Education Foundation blog! Read up on current education news, explore pro/con guides, research school options, get expert advice, and examine hot topics in learning, all in one place.
National education insights that will inspire you to take action in your community.
Welcome to the Noah Webster Education Foundation blog! Read up on current education news, explore pro/con guides, research school options, get expert advice, and examine hot topics in learning, all in one place.
Christian Instruction for Public Schools: Is It Legal?
In 2023, an Ohio newsite dropped an article with a bombshell first line: “Hundreds of
Ep. 72 “Exploring Faith-Based Education” – Guest Jeff Keaton
What is the purpose of education? Today’s guest on The State of Education answers
Ep. 73 “Educating and Raising Healthy Kids” – Guest Jeff Keaton
Parenting and educating children in today’s world is harder than it has ever been
10 Secrets Moms Instinctively Know
A good mom is an invested mom. An invested mom cares for her child as
How Grandparents Can Be Involved In Education
My grandparents were intensely passionate about education. Both highly educated, they spent the first halves
The Tremendous Power Of Reading In Homeschool
In an article published several years ago, one mom observed, “Most homeschoolers love to read
How To Be An Involved Parent In Your Child’s School
“Student Success is Tied to Parental Involvement!” “Study Suggests Parents an Important Link to Academic
School Discipline Approaches
“Gilbert reached across the aisle, picked up the end of Anne’s long red braid, held
Why Education Doesn’t Equal Schooling
Why education doesn't schooling is evident in this opening statement from a Medium article :
Resource Guide for Parents
Hi parents! We appreciate you. You wipe noses, change dirty diapers, pack lunches, clap
Resource Guide for Teachers
Hey teachers! We appreciate all you do – from early morning set-up, days of
Resource Guide for School Board Members
Being a school board member means you can effect change in powerful ways by

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